Peggy is an accomplished educator. She holds a Master of Science degree in Education and has taught at the elementary and middle school level for over 20 years.
Peggy has successfully used the Bach Flower Remedies for over 25 years to balance emotions within herself, her children, husband, family, and friends.
Her journey using a natural approach to healing began when her daughter was diagnosed with asthma. She quickly became discouraged by the advice and treatment from the medical world which included medicines that did little to alleviate her daughter’s symptoms.
When she sought the advice of a nutritionist to see if her daughter’s symptoms could be addressed in a natural way, it began a life long journey learning about other healing approaches. She researched and self -taught herself about homeopathy, aromatherapy, Feng Shui and herbal remedies.
After attending a Bach Flower Remedy workshop she was totally enthralled with the flower remedies and the possibilities that they offered. Most important to her was learning that the flower essences were safe for infants, the elderly and even pets. She bought and read numerous books about the Bach Flower Remedies and to this day enjoys the powerful benefits they offer.
While Peggy felt confident about her knowledge of the Flower Remedies, she was eager to share this knowledge with others. She decided to become a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner (BFRP) and took the necessary courses offered through The Bach Education Center.

Through each level, Peggy gained a deeper understanding of the remedies. Wanting to share this knowledge and her passion for the remedies she created Essentially Balanced LLC. Peggy is excited to embark on this next journey and knows it will help others to reconnect to their highest potential and inner happiness.